Category Archives: Laundry Facilities

Laundry Facilities

The laundry facilities in the costume shop are for official use by the department, with their primary purpose being for cleaning theatre department costumes.  These machines are maintained by the Theatre Department.  There are laundry and shower facilities located in the Wood Center for general student use.

The Theatre Department generally allows declared Theatre Majors in good standing to use the machines for personal use when:

  • The costume shop is open for general shop hours
  • The machines are not being used for official business
  • Not to be used without express permission of the costume shop staff between First Dress and Closing performance of any production in the Salisbury Theatre complex or other Theatre Department production.
  • Student(s) bring their own laundry detergent & softeners
  • Students clean up after themselves, and clear the machines promptly upon the completion of their cycles

These general allowances are a privilege – not a right, and will be discontinued if the machines, facilities or costume shop staff are not treated with respect.